As Airdo Werwas, LLC recognizes Women's History Month, we appreciate Palatine Township’s female leaders: Clerk Lisa Moran, Trustees Christine Svenson and Leslie Bolanos, and Township Administrator Anna Chychula. Their commitment to public service has strengthened essential programs, enhanced township operations, and fostered a more connected community.
Clerk Lisa Moran’s 20+ years of service have brought order and transparency to Palatine Township and impactful initiatives like the Blue Star Banner Program, giving honor and recognition to the families of those who serve in America’s armed forces.
Trustees Svenson and Bolanos have worked tirelessly to expand resources and improve community programs, ensuring residents receive the support they need, giving generously of their time, talent, and treasure.
Administrator Chychula’s expertise and vast experience in local government, communications, and nonprofit collaboration to make Palatine Township a wonderful place to live.
Airdo Werwas, LLC, is fortunate to work with such fine women and raise a glass of appreciation to their dedication and the lasting impact they make in Palatine Township!