Airdo Werwas LLC Airdo Werwas LLC

2023 Annual Resource Center for Religious Institutes Conference


The 2023 RCRI Annual Conference will be held in St. Louis, Missouri from September 26th – 29th. The conference will be held at the Hyatt Regency, St. Louis at the Arch in downtown St. Louis. The theme for the 2023 conference will be Communications in a Synodal Church: Opportunities and Challenges. Airdo Werwas will present on severalĀ topics, including:

Legal Updates for Religious Institutes in 2023. This presentation will provide attendees with an understanding of a range of topics, keying attendees into areas of law in which they need to know more and helping direct them towards workshops that best suit their needs.

The Road Ahead: Continuing the Catholic Identity of Ministries of Religious Institutes. This presentation will provide an overview of the components of sales and redevelopment projects and the potential hurdles to success, as well as a discussion of how to incorporate continued Catholic identity as a central component of such transactions.

Civil and Canonical Update on Providing Safe Environments for Adults in 2023. This presentation will discuss those emerging challenges, as well as available tools and best practices for religious institutes to fulfill their obligations to provide safe environments for vulnerable adults. Topics discussed will include the increased focus on the protection of vulnerable adults in recent years, the development of clear codes of conduct, and the role of the leader in implementing effective safeguarding protocols.

Like a Tree, Every Leave is Unique: Leaves of Absence Today. This presentation will assist religious institutes in understanding their obligations as employers and being better situated to care for the employee and the institute when employees need time away from work.

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