Mollie Werwas presented at the DRI’s Sexual Tort Seminar, held in Indianapolis on March 14, 2023, on the topic of Statutes of Limitation. Mollie discussed the impact of the statutes of limitation in the defense of cases involving allegations of misconduct and abuse, as well the extension and eliminated of statutes, and revival of previously barred claims, in jurisdictions throughout the country. Her presentation focused on defense strategies for deploying the statute limitations, and practice pointers for shaping the discovery to apply the statute to the defense’s advantage. Prior to the Seminar, Michael Airdo and Thomas Elias contributed to a position paper outlining current case law regarding these topics and a 50-state compendium of current statutes, which were provided to seminar attendees. Should you have any questions on this topic, please contact Michael Airdo at or Mollie Werwas at