Airdo Werwas LLC Airdo Werwas LLC

Employment Law

Airdo Werwas, LLC’s Employment Law Practice Group is experienced in investigating and vigorously defending employment claims brought against a variety of employers, including schools, universities, religious institutions, nonprofit associations, health care facilities, and commercial entities. Our attorneys represent employers in State and Federal Court, and in various agencies, including the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, and state and local agencies responsible for investigating and adjudicating claims of discrimination, wage and hour violations and other employment claims. Our Employment Law Practice Group also has vast experience in negotiation and mediation in a variety of forums.Airdo Werwas, LLC has successfully defended claims of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation under federal and state laws as well as contractual disputes and defamation claims arising out of the employment context.

Airdo Werwas, LLC offers counseling on employment law matters, including termination decisions and workforce reduction, compliance with federal and state employment laws, and drafting employment policies. Our firm also offers training on a wide variety of complex employment law issues, including sexual harassment, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

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